Eastern Asset Recovery is a division of the Eastern Group of Companies. This division is a sister to both Eastern Metal Trading Company and SurplusPlywood.Com. The purpose of this division is to actively buy and sell commodities other than those handled by our Metals and Plywood divisions. But it is more than just this vague catchall description. Eastern Asset Recovery is the result of lessons learned in the handling of Surplus and Salvage metals and plywood. It is translating that understanding of the concepts learned into how to buy and sell valuable assets of all descriptions. Of course these transactions are at values far below traditional sources.
The origin of the Eastern Asset Recovery Division is not attributable to a specific commodity or product. Instead it was formed from an understanding of the circumstance by which inventory, and other asset of value, become available. Within our vendor base for large distressed inventories of both metals and plywood, we found that there was need to make disposition of a vast array of other items. This division was formed to meet that need.
Unlike a broker or auction company, Eastern takes a position and is the buyer!!!
Eastern Asset Recovery – Portland Cement, Ores, Paper, Aggregate and just about any bulk or free flowing item.
Eastern Asset Recovery is not a buyer of products, we are a buyer of opportunities. Also, unlike a broker or auction company, Eastern takes a position and is the buyer!!! **Big difference** Eastern understands and works with others who understand the opportunity of “Market Items”.